
Current Issues and Tasks of Digital Aging Policy in Korea

류영달(Young Dal Ryoo)
page. 17~32 / No 1



Korea has begun to change into the aged society with the dawning of the 4<sup>th</sup> industrial revolution era. The key technologies in the era would be artificial intelligence, big data, internet of things, robot, and so on. The older adults in the era may be able to maintain better quality of life than the contemporary older adults with a variety of products and services with applying the technologies. For the better quality of life, the products and services should be developed to tailor to different types of elderly users who might have a variety of needs, and further should be supplied inexpensively to them. How the likelihood that the Korean older adults maintain the better quality of life would be in the 4<sup>th</sup> industrial revolution era was reviewed in the context of policies on digital aging or smart aging in this article.