Korean Journal of Research in Gerontology
- Latest Issue
- No 3, Dec 2024
- Coverage
- Volume 1 (1992) - No 3 (2024)
- Frequency
- Quarterly
- 1226-2641
About Kor J Res Geront
The Korean Journal of Research in Gerontology (Kor J Res Geront) is an open access journal which covers all the social, cultural, psychological, biological, and medical aspects of aging. The journal also welcomes gero-technology issues promoting human health and well-being.
The journal is published biannually and aims to publish various manuscript formats such as original research article, review (mini-review) article, commentary (opinion), short communication, letter to editor, case report, and editorial (guest editorial) in the aging-related issues.
Latest Articles
Adverse Drug Reactions in Older Adults and Preventive Measures
Jung Sun Kim, Mihyun Heo
Jung Hoon Hwang
Junghyun Kim
Soyeon Kweon, Young Soon Lee