
Reviewing the Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Insomnia in Older Adults

Eunjoo Kim,Sung Jung Kim,Gahyun Youn
page. 183~199 / No 2



Most people have experienced sleep disorders such as insomnia several times in their life, but older adultstend to experience insomnia more often than younger generations. They tend to suffer from chronic insomnia owing to the physical changes and/or daily hassles that occur as they get older, and negativeconsequences of insomnia in old age include at least psychological difficulties and high risk for physicalhealth. Many people would easily choose pharmacologic treatments for insomnia, but it has beenempirically known that cognitive and/or behavioral therapies for elderly patients with chronic insomnia aremore effective in enhancing sleep quality and quantity treating chronic insomnia than drug therapy. Despitethe higher effectiveness, it seems that many people including health professionals lack of understanding orinterest in the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for the chronic insomnia. Thus, the efficacy of thecognitive behavioral therapy was stressed in terms of enhancing quality of life for older adults who sufferfrom insomnia in this paper.