
Policy Considerations for Activating the Volunteering of Older Koreans

Geum-Yong Lee
page. 37~45 / No 1



The purpose of this article is to analyse the problems on volunteering of older Koreans and to suggestpolicy considerations for activating volunteering system of Korean older adults. It is suggested thatproblems of current volunteering system are low level of professionalism and diversity of volunteeractivities, few connections with other areas such as leisure and economic activities, restricted recruitment ofolder volunteers, few research and survey of current situation on elderly volunteering, unmet reward andrecognition system, and lacking in adequate evaluation for elderly volunteering projects which financiallysupported by government. For activating the volunteering system, three main policy considerations are suggested; ① strengthening and spreading social awareness of elderly volunteering, ② upgrading thequality of volunteering, and ③expanding elderly volunteers and volunteer activities.