
Relationship between Aging Population and Voting Behavior

Gahyun Youn
page. 1~11 / No 1



There are a number of factors that affect voting behavior in nationwide elections. Older voters among thevoting eligible population have been increasing are getting since the late 20th century in most of the advancedcountries including Korea owing to the population aging phenomenon. This has fundamentally affected to theelection results, for instance, the older voters tend to show much higher awareness of participation in anelection and hold more supportive of conservative party of candidate than the young voters. The author reviewed how aging population phenomenon affects older generations’ attitudes and voting behavior and whythey keep the attitudes and behavior briefly in this article. The root cause why the older people have theconservative attitudes might be that they show greater resistance to attitudinal changes as they are gettingolder. The cause was discussed in the context of their death anxiety and/or the desire for longevity.