Understanding Death Anxiety in Old Age
- Gahyun Youn
- page. 131~151 / Volume 25
- e-ISSN
- p-ISSN
- 1226-2641
Death can take place in any age, but most deaths have occurred in old age. Many people have deathanxiety because they do not know about the afterlife at all and no one can prove what the afterlife is.Death anxiety is a universal phenomenon which can be observed in most cultures and a fundamentalphenomenon which can be found in most people. The anxiety would be the effects of accumulated experience related to death from early years. Various concepts of the anxiety as well as several majorfactors related to the anxiety such as age, gender, health status, family relations and so on were reviewedin this paper, while how to cope with the anxiety was examined in the last part of the paper. Thepurpose of this paper was to provide some basic ideas for any counseling or therapy program which canreduce the anxiety in old age and improve their quality of life.