
Lessens from Japanese Super-aged Society’s Social Welfare System for the Aged: Policy Issues and Solutions of the Korean System

Chulho Yang,Se-Geun Oh
page. 113~130 / Volume 25



The purpose of this article was to get some clues to many problems which Korean society might experience in the near future, based on Japanese knowledge and experience of the super-aged society’ssocial welfare system. Japan was a kind of economic growth for Korea, and the two countries share acommon cultural background of both Conficianism and Buddhism. Thus, the Japanese experience of copingwith the aged society should give important ideas of solving the problems in Korea. That is, Korea mightbe able to preapare for better strategies of coping with the aged and/or super-aged society if learningthrough the experience. After taking a brief overview on the Japanese current situation of the super-agedsociety, the general issues of the super-aged society were examined in this article. Subsequently, how toput theory of social welfare into practice at the super-aged society was introduced, and several policy tasksfor the Korean society in the near future were suggested in the last part of this article.