A phenomenological analysis of burnout experienced by family caregivers for severely demented patients
- Mi-Seong Oh,Hayrran Kwon
- page. 37~55 / Volume 8
- e-ISSN
- p-ISSN
- 1226-2641
When patients with irreversible dementia show severe deteriorationin cognitive abilities, caretakers begin to perceive it asstressful situation. Caregiving burden or stress, which can resultin burnout, was understood through in-depth interview with twoprimary caregivers who were family members of the dementiapatients. It seemed that both of them have experiencedpsychological distress so seriously. Nevertheless, they expressedtheir filial duty of taking care of the patients as far as thepatients are alive. The findings were discussed in the context ofsuggesting that burnout prevention education program should begiven to the caregivers as well as the general population.