
Elderly People’s Perception of the Caregiving Norms and Its Relations with the Intergenerational Solidarity, Conflict, and Depression

Hi Jung Yoo
page. 107~130 / Volume 9



This study was to investigate how the elderly people perceivedthe caregiving norms that adult children should care for their oldparents, and to analyze its relations with the intergenerationalsolidarity and conflict, and with depression. The participants were304 community-dwellers who were over 60 years old and had atleast one child. The major finding was that the elderly people'sperception of the caregiving norms were influenced primarily bythe economic resources that the elderly have. In addition, theelderly parents who persisted the traditional norms on caregivingstend to have more opportunities to contact with their adultchildren, to have more conflict with the children, and to showhigher degree of the depressive symptom. The findings werediscussed in the context of making the quality of life for theelderly people higher with the social education.