
A review on the exercise therapy for the elderly as nursing intervention

In Hong Kim
page. 37~49 / Volume 9



The purpose of this study was to introduce effects of theexercise therapy as nursing intervention for the elderly people. Theeffects of the therapy include reduction in cardiovascular risk,control of obesity, increase in functional capacity, an improvedintake of nutrients, better sleep patterns and so on. Alsohypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, psychologicalsymptoms such as anxiety, depression, and stress can be eithertreated or prevented by the an exercise therapy. Before appling theexercise therapy, however, pre-exercise office assessment ofcardiac risk, possible limitations, and contraindications should beadvised. A balanced fitness training program includes activities toincrease flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular endurance. Themost effective exercise prescription begins with a type of aerobicactivity that the old adults enjoys. A prescribed schedule ofstepwise increments in frequency, duration, and intensity can leadto a maintenance level of fitness.