The Need of Education Program for the Elderly
- Myoung-Suk Her,Yoo Hyang Cho,Hak Rol Kim,Ki Soon Kim
- page. 159~174 / Volume 10
- e-ISSN
- p-ISSN
- 1226-2641
This study was designed to delineate some characteristicsbetween middle-aged/elderly persons (group A) who have everparticipated in any educational program for the senior citizens andthose (group B) who have never done. However, the basiccharacteristics, such as educational level and age, between group Aand group B, as well as between men and women were founddifferent from the baseline. City and 120 persons who participatedin education program for the elderly. Nevertheless, some generalcharacteristics for the participants were found. For instance, thecontemporary Korean elderly persons did not show activeparticipation socially, and not have leasure enjoying their life. Thefindings were discussed in the context of their health condition andcultural backgrounds.