
Relationship between Caregivers’ First Interview with the Demented Elderly Persons and their Adaptation: A Survey of Caregivers in the Group Homes in Japan

Chinami Akashi
page. 111~120 / Volume 11



The purpose of this study was to identify the relationshipbetween the first interview with a caregiver for elderly personswith dementia and their adaptation to living in a group home. Datafor this study was gathered through a questionnaire survey sent toa sample of 123 people who worked for group homes and took partin interviewing elderly persons with dementia and their families. Inthose cases where female workers performed the first interview,the percentage of elderly persons with dementia who reportedstressful situations during their first week after admission wassignificantly decreased in comparison to those cases where maleworkers performed the first interview. The percentage of elderlypersons with dementia who reported stressful situations was alsosignificantly lower in the group homes where registered nursesworked for in comparison to the group homes where nursing aids,home helpers, or social workers worked for. The results suggestthat the role of nurses is important in helping elderly persons withdementia to cope with the new environment in a group home.
