
Current Issues in the Home Hepler Service System

Hyun Jung Park,Hyung-Gil Kim
page. 67~83 / Volume 12



The purpose of this study was to make proposals of improvingquality of in-home services for the community-dwelling elderlypeople who are in need of health care. Because social welfarecenters have currently had charge of those services, the staffs ofthe centers were asked what the ways of improving the quality.The staffs argued that home health aides who visit the elderlypeople who are in need of health care could give them bothmedical service and emotional support. In addition, they stated thatthe social welfare centers should keep good relationships withhealth clinics or centers located close in the community in order togive the elderly people more appropriate and convenient services.They also suggested that the social welfare centers should trysome fund-raising activities because financial support fromgovernment is not good enough for giving better services to theelderly people.