The Living Conditions by the Characteristics of the Rural Elderly in Korea
- Soon-Duck Yoon,Eun-Sik Park,Eun-Ja Kim,Young-Sook Cho
- page. 83~111 / Volume 13
- e-ISSN
- p-ISSN
- 1226-2641
The purpose of this study was to examine the livingconditions by the characteristics of the rural elderly in Korea.Based on previous studies related with the elderly, living conditionswere classified into 9 areas: family life, economic life, health life,farm and work life, leisure and education life, housing life, laterlife, emotional life, and welfare needs. Data were collected from 548elderly aged 60 and over living in rural areas nationwide throughstructured questionnaires. The results showed that the majority ofliving conditions for the rural elderly were significantly different bythe sex, age, and living arrangements of the elderly. The majorfindings were discussed in the context of developing variousservices and making a welfare policy for rural elderly.