
Development of a Cognitive-Behavioral Group Intervention Program in Reducing Psychological Distress for the Primary Caregivers of the Demented Elderly Persons

Eun-Hee Lee,Gahyun Youn
page. 5~49 / Volume 14



The purpose of this study was to develope the cognitive-behavioralgroup intervention program in reducing caregiving burden,depression, and anxiety for the primary caregivers of the dementedpersons. The intervention program was developed based on thecognitive-behavioral individual intervention by Marriott et al.(2000). It was consisted of 3 parts; psychological education, stressmanagement, and coping skills. 12 primary caregivers participatedin the cognitive-behavioral group intervention program of 2 hoursper week for 8 sessions in order to investigate the effect ofcognitive-behavioral intervention program. The data was analyzedwith paired t-test. And the result showed that caregiving burden,depression, and anxiety of the primary caregivers were significantlydecreased after the intervention. In conclusion, the cognitivebehaviour group intervention program can be effective for thecaregivers of persons with dementia.