Effects of Health-Related Indexes on Life Satisfaction for the Elderly People
- HeeSuk Seo,YoungHyun Han
- page. 159~170 / Volume 15
- e-ISSN
- p-ISSN
- 1226-2641
This study conducted to determine which better predicts lifesatisfaction for the community-dwelling elderly people amongseveral health-related indexes such as depressive symptoms,activities of daily living levels, states of subjective health, andlevels of sleep satisfaction, as well as some socio-demographicvariables. Regression analyses revealed depressive symptoms as themost powerful predictor variable, while subjective health, researchparticipants' age, and cohabitation status with their offsprings werealso found as significant predictor variables. These results suggestthat the best way of improving elderly people's quality of life maybe to reduce their symptoms of depression and/or to cut down anyelement which is associated with the symptoms.