A Grounded Theory on the Caregiving Experiences for the Rural Elderly Males who Caring for their Wives of Stroke Patients
- 전성남
- page. 105~128 / Volume 16
- e-ISSN
- p-ISSN
- 1226-2641
The purpose of this study was to examine the caregivingexperiences for the rural elderly men who took care of theirspouses of stroke patients. Qualitative research through thein-depth interviews was applied, and the data was analyzed by theprocedures of Strauss and Corbin’s grounded theory method. The“seeking happiness of the elderly men thru recollecting theirhoneymoon season while caring for sick wives in the ruralsupporting system” was identified as a key category that emergefrom text. The major findings for the experiences were discussedin the context of developing welfare services for the elderly caregiverswho reside in rural area.