
Status and Development Plans of the Gwangju Senior Friendly Products Industries

page. 23~41 / Volume 20



Aging incurs the increase of the medical costs related to the chronicaldiseases, also it is one of the main reasons deteriorating thesocio-economic loss due to the shortage of the working manpower. It iswell-known that the senior friendly products are a challenge requiringnew development and a new market for a new group of elderly members.This paper is to survey the industrial aspects of the ageing, on how eachstakeholder of government, local administrations, and business groupsconfront this matter. The senior friendly industries are basically governedby the market principle that customers pay for the provided benefits. Yetthe role of the governmental or local administrations is more effectivebecause the senior friendly social welfare is also necessary role of themwhile the products come form the industries. Especially, this paperinvestigates the case of Gwangju city, on how she tries to convert thechallenge into the chances of successes of local industrialization, andfurther what are the proper development plans for the senior productindustries.