
Mood States, Cognitive Function and Quality of Life among Community-Dwelling Older People

page. 117~132 / Volume 21



The purpose of this study was to describe relations among moodstates, cognitive function, and the quality of life (QOL) for thecommunity-dwelling older people (N=167), and to identify anydifferences in the states, the function, and the QOL according totheir socio-demographic variables. Data were collected through theone-to-one interview with the structured questionnaires. Therewere significant differences in mood state according to their genderand marital status, but not their age and health status. For thecognitive function, there were significant differences according totheir age, gender, educational level, marital status, regularly-takingexercise, and health status. For the QOL, there were significantdifferences their gender, educational level, marital status, regularlytakingexercise, and health status. The QOL was significantlycorrelated with the mood states and cognitive function. Thefindings imply that nursing intervention programs that can enhancethe QOL for the older people should be emphasized upon changingtheir mood states and cognitive function.