
Sexual Culture in Serxuality Counselling Cases for the Korean Older People

page. 59~75 / Volume 21



The article deals with the sexuality of the Korean elderly whichrises up as an important social discourse in the korean societythrough the consultation case studies to see the current situationand find out the characteristics of the sexual culture of the Koreanelderly. It is through the consultation known that the main issuesare sexual malfunction, sexual conflict between couples, romanticrelationship (physical contact with the opposite sex), masturbation,and that the male in the 60s participate in the counselling fourtimes more actively than the female. The consultation reveals thattheir sexual characteristics are a high interest in sex desire, a lowsexual communication between couples, a biased view related tothe masculinity, a general relationship with the spouse, a worryabout health. The suggestions for the health of the elderly’s sexualculture are to do away with the sexual bias, to exposes the livesand agony of the female elderly, to maintain the sexual equivalencein marriage life.