
Post-Tertiary Compulsory Education System in Korea as a Coping Plan with the Aged or Super-Aged Society

page. 159~186 / Volume 22



There are so many social problems faced by an aging society.Most countries try to seek a variety of solutions for the problems.The Korean government has already initiated several solvingprojects in order to boost social participation, employment,continuing education for the older adults, but the problems mightbe much more severe in aged society or super-aged society. Thus,the post-tertiary compulsory education system for the older adultswas suggested as a plan or strategy which could prevent orreduce the possibilities of occurrence for the problems in thisarticle. The system would have a number of functions of mentaland physical health management, intergenerational communication,social participation, self-actualization and so on for the older adults,resulting in improving their quality of life through active aging aswell as successful aging. How the system would be managed,what components should be included in the curriculum, and whateffects would be expected from implementing the system were alsostated in this article.