Older Adult Drivers with Cognitive Impairment as an Aging Population Issue
- 권혜란,신동민
- page. 171~193 / Volume 23
- e-ISSN
- p-ISSN
- 1226-2641
The aging population has been causing a number of social issues.As one of the issues, the numbers of the older drivers and peoplewith dementia have been increasing so fast. Thus, the olderdrivers with dementia have recently been on the increase, and ithas become a risk or threat to the public safety. This paper wasto review what the tools for evaluating safe driving were, howproper the tools were, when the older drivers with dementia shouldstop driving, who would ask to stop driving them, what kinds ofalternative transportation services would be offered to them, and soon. At the same time, the relation between discontinuation ofdriving and decline of the quality of life for the older drivers withdementia was discussed.