
Theoretical Review of the Comprehensive Regional Care for the Older Adults: Health Concept and Care System

page. 79~102 / Volume 23



This paper was to review the theoretical tasks of thecomprehensive regional care. There is a need to convert the healthcare and protection system from medical model treatment to dailylife model in accordance with the adoption of new health concepts.The daily life model understands health as that allows the elderlypeople to lead normal daily life and the comprehensive care systemfor elderly is the health care and protection system based on thisdaily life model. Comprehensive regional care for the elderly refersto provision of overall and integrated services including cure andcare services, support for daily life including residences to all theelderly people within the unit region. The core elements of thissupport system include regionality and comprehensiveness. In thelevel of service a greater objects, theoretical foundation should beconsolidated for the establishment of grand and generalizedcomprehensive care system from the perspective of thecomprehensiveness of the subjects and pursued this Study underthis theme.