Usability Testing of Elderly Friendly Product for Senior Technology Complex: Based on Gwangju Senior Technology Complex
- 장현용,김기선
- page. 25~49 / Volume 24
- e-ISSN
- p-ISSN
- 1226-2641
The elderly-friendly product issues have recently been high-lightedowing to aging population in most of the advanced countries.When developing any elderly friendly product, the most importantthing should be the usability testing to check whether the productwould be directly connected with elderly people’s body for usage ornot. Thus, the concept of the usability testing was dealt with inthis paper, while reviewing several cases of usability testing forthe domestic as well as foreign products. Based on the efficientusability testing and on conducted case studies using the GwangjuSenior Technology Complex infrastructure, the authors introducedthe better usability testing method which is applying on LivingLab of the Senior Technology Complex.
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